

Who We Are

We are a community of young people committed to practicing the way of Jesus together.

We gather in a variety of ways.

What We Do

  • Once a month, we gather at Saint Catherine’s Church building for worship, teaching & extremely good food! These nights are NOT to be MISSED!

  • As part of our Sunday gatherings, twice a month we invite young people out after worship for their own intentional discipleship. We have an amazing group of youth leaders who are there to connect and support our young people.

  • We love to have FUN! Socials are spaces outside of the four walls of our church where young people can invite friends and introduce them to youth!

  • Join us every second Tuesday evening on zoom or in-person for an hour of prayer and bible study.

Interested in joining youth? Helping out? Need support?

We would love to help you get connected, offer pastoral care or maybe you’re interested in serving on our team.

Chat with Shane, our Youth Pastor.

be part of the family :)

Get in touch with us.