Would you like to deepen & grow your faith this year? 

This autumn we’re inviting the whole church to do the Seol Course, an exciting initiative from our friends at PRAXIS. This course has been designed to help Christians discover and respond to what it means to be sent by God as disciples into the world around us.  

It might be that you’re already part of one of our Connect Groups—that’s great! Seol is something your whole group can do together. Or maybe you don’t belong to a midweek community yet? If that’s the case, Seol would be a perfect opportunity to try something new and get to know more people in the church—we’d be happy to get you connected in.

If you’re ready to join a group, scroll down to sign up! If you have more questions, you can send us an email here and we will get in touch with you asap.

We’re looking forward to the adventure together,  

The Saint Catherine’s Staff Team

Please sign up to join one of our new Seol groups here. 

In the meantime, you can read more about the course on the PRAXIS website praxismovement.ie/seolcourse 

OR watch the trailer on YouTube.