Steps for Silent Prayer

Steps for exploring Silent Prayer

Thanks to those of you who asked for some more info on the steps we shared on Sunday past (January 19th).

**Do not feel as if you need to do all five steps as a precise formula, feel free to tweak them as you learn what works best for you.**

Start with 10-15 minutes a day.

I use a timer on my phone to put my mind at ease.

1. Finding somewhere to pray. Have a think about where you’ll be able to pray with the least amount of distractions. Decide when/what time of the day works best for you. Begin by lighting a candle, quieten yourself and allow for some time where your body & mind can become still.

2. Check in with yourself and God. How are you feeling?
Is there anything particularly on your mind, positive or negative? How would you describe yourself in this moment?

3. As the quiet forms around and within you, imagine God looking on you with love. I begin this step by picturing myself sitting in sunshine, eyes closed, head back, basking in warmth & light. When we sit or lay in the sun, something is happening that has nothing to do with how we feel or how hard we’re trying. It’s not possible to get a better tan by concentrating harder. We give the time, and that’s it. Our role is to turn up and things change at their own pace. We just have to be there, to be where the light can get at us.

4. Linger and listen.
From that place of quiet and giving God access, we learn to wait and to savour what’s happening. Listen, notice what’s feelings are surfacing, bringing your real self, before the real God. What is your deepest desire?

5. Talk honestly
God is found in what is real, so we pray from what is real in our lives. Speak to him now as you would talk to a friend and offer yourself to him honestly. It possible to do this while maintaining silence if you’d prefer this.

Close the Lord’s prayer.

And if anything has struck you during prayer, take time to write it down.


Looking forward to hearing how you get on,

Eoghan & Becky